Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software created by Microsoft. Google has something like Google Sheets so you may be familiar with that. Here’s the thing though, I’m terrible at Excel. Word? Sure. Design? Yes. But spreadsheets? Yikes. I thought it was what only bankers and teachers used for finance and report cards. Surely I wouldn’t need it at any point in my life, right?

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Truth is, Excel is a super useful tool. You can create calendars and calculate your allowance. It helps you keep track of time and dates and money. Plus, it’s all saved into your computer to share with others. I went from being completely unfamiliar with it to a total bank pro. Okay, maybe not pro but it’s really beneficial. You can make charts, calendars and budget calculations.

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I’m currently in a business program outside of school (what a nerd, I know) but Excel is used a lot in tracking our attendance and finance, which is really important for businesses. You can use it in science for calculating data in labs and math for creating graphs and formulas. You can use it at home to calculate your budget. I celebrate Eid so I need to make sure I organize my money and not spend all of it on Urban Planet (totally not obsessed with that store).

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You can plug in formulas to predict future trends and you can create If Then statements that answer automatically. For example, I can plug in the formula “=IF(*insert cell number*>25, “YES”, “NO”)” and if I insert anything in that cell under 25, it would say no. It’s like training your own robot! Next thing you know these formulas will make me ice cream and we’ll be good to go. Below I’ll have my sample of our If Then statement project – it was a 6 part project and these samples got full marks so I hope it helps you get the idea.

I learned a lot from this course and I’m sure you will too. It may seem a little boring at first but like I said earlier, it’s open for creativity as well. Just look how cute my riddle pictures were in that project above. Fine, maybe they’re not so cute but Excel will help you so much I promise. Besides, who wants to do their own graphs and calculations when a program can do it for you? It’s called Grade 9 Business but it’s more like a life hacks course so make sure you sign up today.

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that’s totally juice – don’t sue me